Why don’t I feel free?

Why don’t I feel free?

I seem to hear the word freedom quite often in conversation these days.

Freedom to speak.
Freedom to assemble.
Freedom of religion.

And when I’m around church people there’s another set of “freedoms”.

Freedom to worship.
Freedom from sin.
Freedom from fear.

I’m surrounded by freedom. 

Jesus even said:

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John‬ ‭8:36‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So…Why don’t I feel FREE?

Maybe you can relate.

I find myself stuck in the same life pitfalls. Looking up from the hole wondering how I fell for it again.

That doesn’t sound like freedom.

Perhaps the word has been diluted with overuse and misuse so that the true essence and power of the word has been lost. Leaving me to chase after the facsimile instead of freedom itself. It seems like we’ve done that with love, but I won’t chase that rabbit today. 

Don’t get me wrong. I love the freedom I’ve been so blessed to enjoy. Politically it’s been given to be by the sacrifice of my fellow countrymen. Spiritually it’s been given by the sacrifice of my Savior.

Maybe that’s how it works. Freedom requires death and sacrifice. It seems a costly thing for me to not walk in fullness.

I think the issue in all of this is me (as it usually is). I have some sacrifice to bring to the equation, some dying to do.

Could that be what Jesus was saying?

“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Matthew‬ ‭10:39‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I won’t find my freedom until I have the relief of losing my life. When I give up control, I let the Creator of Heaven and Earth take the lead. He knows better. 

My earthly senses tell me that a lack of control equals a lack of freedom. But I’m not looking for earthly freedom. It’s fleeting and finite. I’m looking for freedom found only in Heaven. And it’s my opportunity to bring a bit of Heaven down to Earth.

It’s an upside down kingdom. My measure of freedom is found in my measure of surrender.

Read that again. Out loud this time:

My measure of freedom is found in my measure of surrender.

I have my own part to do, but when He’s in control—I’m free.

Caleb Agee

I am a father to 3 powerful littles and married to my best friend. My wife says I'm proficient in quoting The Office, a jack of all trades and I am convinced that popcorn with apple juice is the best remedy for a hard day. No judgment! I spend my days brainstorming and perfecting good communication with a team of passionate creatives. And I believe that being in relationship with the Father should be, and is, simple. I'll spend my whole life on Him and never regret a single moment. Won’t you join me?

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