The Most Important Thing (not my opinion)

The Most Important Thing (not my opinion)

31 days in. One month down.

I can already see that this year will be tough.

Not because of political power exchange or pandemic pressure. It’ll be tough because those things will win in the fight for focus.

Jesus’ last weeks were similar in this way, but He handled it by responding with Truth and Love instead of opinion. And that all came from His focus on the most important thing.

He had recently returned to Jerusalem for the final time–we call it Palm Sunday. And spent most of His final days dealing with the religious spirit in town by preaching and teaching in the temple.

The religious leaders were pretty ticked that He was unraveling the way they viewed prophetic words and interpreted the Mosaic Law. 

Instead of humbly accepting that they may not have it all figured out, they dug their heels into the sands of stubbornness.

One of these days, a Scribe tried to trick Jesus.

“Which commandment is the most important of all?”

Jesus’ response varies slightly in the three gospel accounts, but the core of it is a call back to the Shema in Deuteronomy (a daily prayer the Jewish people were very familiar with):

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:30

This is my one hope for this year. That I would love Yahweh (my God) with ALL of my…

HEART – καρδία – kardia

Passion, love, emotions

I will love God with passion. Passion will be found behind everything I’m asked to put my hands to. I will be sensitive to my emotions, but they don’t control me–my love for God does.

Practically: I will spend time with Him each day. The more I know, the more passion grows. Date night with my wife. Play time with my kids. Journaling my feelings so I can be aware of them.

SOUL – ψυχή – psychē

My life, eternal being, exists beyond the skin and bones I wear today

My life isn’t my own. I laid it down for the sake of the cross. I will live with an eternal mindset and a daily focus.

Practically: I’ll walk and talk like a citizen of a kingdom that’s not of this earth. Not conforming to the patterns of this world or it’s current troubles.

MIND – διάνοια – dianoia

Understanding, logic, intelligence

My brain is the most powerful tool I’ve been given, but without wisdom, discernment, and a backbone of truth, it can be easily fooled. I will grow my mind, never satisfied with where I am. Accepting that I don’t have it all figured out.

Practically: I’ll read and study the word. I’ll read things that sharpen me and grow my mind. I’ll welcome learning something new when the opportunity presents itself.

STRENGTH / MIGHT – ἰσχύς – ischys

My power, physical health, endurance

I am blessed with a healthy body and I will take care of it because it’s health affects the ability of all of the above. I need energy to be a light each day, endurance to come home and be the best dad to my kids, and wellness to live a long life with my beautiful wife.

Practically: I’ll exercise, eat good food, and drink plenty of water. 

When I get these things right, everything else will fall into alignment. My whole being is leading and living with love. Anything less than that is a poor stewardship of the life I was given. 

The worries of this world are significant, but they won’t captivate all my attention.

Some might call it ignorance–I call it focus. Focus on what really matters. 

If we combined that with a love of our neighbors (all our neighbors), we’d change the world pretty quickly. (We’ll dig into this next time!)

Will you join me this year? A year for focus. A year to love Him with our whole person.

Caleb Agee

I am a father to 3 powerful littles and married to my best friend. My wife says I'm proficient in quoting The Office, a jack of all trades and I am convinced that popcorn with apple juice is the best remedy for a hard day. No judgment! I spend my days brainstorming and perfecting good communication with a team of passionate creatives. And I believe that being in relationship with the Father should be, and is, simple. I'll spend my whole life on Him and never regret a single moment. Won’t you join me?

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