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So help me God

February 20, 2023

That word gets thrown around a bit too much.  Heck, I threw it around last time. At its root, it’s referring to the witness in a trial. The one who has seen what really happened. And because they have seen the truth, they are so emphatically put-your-hand-on-a-Bible so-help-me-God confident that they need to share.  No…

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The Season – Part IV: Marked with suffering

November 14, 2022

Like a tree that hardens in the bitter winter—it emerges stronger for the winds of the Spring.

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The Season – Part III: Whether I feel it or not

September 26, 2022

Season – sea·son – /ˈsēzən/“any period or time” In case you missed last time, this is part 3 of a series. Last year was hard. Here, we’re digging into our experiences and what we learned along the way. “Babe, I’m nervous,” she said with tears dripping through the phone. “I’ve been seeing flashing and weird…

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the season 2

The Season – Part II: Year of Sabbath

August 8, 2022

Season – sea·son – /ˈsēzən/“any period or time” In case you missed last time, this is part 2 of a series. Last year was hard. Here, we’re digging into our experiences and what we learned along the way. “I think I need to quit.” She looked at me puzzled, “Did something happen?” “No, I think…

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The Season – Part I: Seven days later

June 20, 2022

Season – sea·son – /ˈsēzən/“any period or time” 161 over 110. Seven days after our son was born, my wife and I were getting into bed for a night of broken sleep.  She said that she didn’t feel right.  My thoughts were, “Well, you had a baby one week ago, so it’s probably a normal…

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The Spiritual Paternity Test

November 8, 2021

It’s time we got something straight.  There’s one thing that above all proves you’ve been filled with the Holy Spirit of the living God.  There are gifts. There are fruit. There’s even evidence. But none of those are the undeniable proof that His Spirit lives in you.  Jesus said it.  “But you will receive power…

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They go to church every day

August 23, 2021

What is the church? A building. A collection of wood, brick, mortar, and highly trafficked carpets. We gather together to worship corporately, align in direction, and sharpen iron. When we say “go to church” we’re missing a piece of the puzzle. The church isn’t a place. I am the church. You are the church. Together…

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Not What You Expected

August 2, 2021

Less than 75 years before Jesus came there was a civil war in Israel that ended in an invited takeover by the unstoppable Roman Empire. Soldiers walked the streets.Their government was selected by another.No end in sight. For the Jewish people there was a massive pull toward one of two camps–Hellenists and Zealots. The Hellenists…

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A Short 18 Years

July 5, 2021

My wife is INCREDIBLE! She carried our son for 10 months.(because let’s be honest, 40 weeks is more than 9 months) Little Ezra joined us all in the daylight just about three months ago. The time has gone by so fast! But we’ve been spending it with our growing family just being content. Delivering a…

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Contentment vs. Complacency

March 22, 2021

I’m a type 3 Enneagram.(Uh oh, he’s one of those achiever types) I like to get things done. To make things happen. To set my sights on something and–you guessed it–achieve it. Always trying to outdo what I did yesterday.  We discussed the season of foundations last time and it reminded me of a conversation…

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