Not What You Expected

Not What You Expected

Less than 75 years before Jesus came there was a civil war in Israel that ended in an invited takeover by the unstoppable Roman Empire.

Soldiers walked the streets.
Their government was selected by another.
No end in sight.

For the Jewish people there was a massive pull toward one of two camps–Hellenists and Zealots.

The Hellenists were accepting of Roman culture. They would join into politics, social circles, and even sporting events. (By the way, Saul accepted a Roman citizenship when he changed his name to Paul)

Zealots we’re constantly trying to incite war and revolution against their Roman occupation.

What a polarizing time.
(Sounds familiar…)

They were looking for someone to unite and lead God’s chosen people. Whispers of a Messiah. The deliverer.

When Jesus came, He wasn’t what anyone was expecting.

To overthrow the Roman government, you’d expect God in flesh to come down on a chariot of fire, sword drawn, with an army of angels in tow.

He didn’t.

He showed up as a baby.

When you expect him to influence the rich and powerful–He didn’t.

He was the son of a blue collar worker. Raised in a backwater town.

It all started by bringing the “good news to the poor.”

He confronted an immoral society drenched in sin. Not by expecting people to “know better” and preaching at them. He did it by offering grace and mercy–eyes that looked at people not based on who they were, but who they were made to be.

And to the government they hoped He would topple, He infiltrated it with love.

He had a Roman tax collector (Matthew) and a zealot in his close circle (Simon).

Where there is striving, He offered peace.
Where there is hate and racism, He brought unity.
Where there is a religious spirit, He made things personal.

Jesus seemed to ignore every “rational” human response. Instead He brought a heavenly response.

It’s an upside down kingdom, but it supersedes the kingdoms of the earth.

Now, it’s our turn.

We bring heaven down.

You are Jesus to the world.

I wonder what He would do today.

And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

Luke 4:17-20

Caleb Agee

I am a father to 3 powerful littles and married to my best friend. My wife says I'm proficient in quoting The Office, a jack of all trades and I am convinced that popcorn with apple juice is the best remedy for a hard day. No judgment! I spend my days brainstorming and perfecting good communication with a team of passionate creatives. And I believe that being in relationship with the Father should be, and is, simple. I'll spend my whole life on Him and never regret a single moment. Won’t you join me?

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