Destination or Direction?

Destination or Direction?

The picture in your mind isn’t always the place you’re going.

“I hear a puppy!”

I was taking my two year old daughter for a walk up our short neighborhood street.

“We’re just going to the end of the street.”


“Yep, lets keep going baby girl.”

“D’ers a bird!”

The sidewalk to the end of the street is straight. We can even see it from where we are. But our pattern looks random at best. Intersecting circles that sorta move in an upstreet direction.

That’s what the Father must feel walking with us through our lives.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ 

He has a hope, a plan for us. Plans for peace.

He sets that plan in our mind by giving us direction. It comes in the form of impressions, callings, prophetic words spoken over us. Doors opened. Doors closed.

Here’s my struggle. I’m a type 3 Enneagram: Achiever. And frankly, another part of the problem is that I live in America–the land of opportunity. 

I look at the direction that the Lord gives me, paint in the gaps where it’s unclear, and turn it into a destination. A place I need to “arrive”. And I turn on the hustle to get there (wherever that may be).

Then I get frustrated with myself when I slow down, get distracted, or lose sight of it.

My Father isn’t sitting on the edge of His seat, annoyed by the distractions, concerned with the wasted time. 

Instead my Father patiently walks along the path, giving me gentle reminders of where I’m going. Content to be with me.

The truth is, there isn’t a destination I can find here on Earth. It’s all about the journey. 

The journey is filled with things to pick up, enjoy, observe, and share with others along the way. 

Don’t hear me wrong, He has plans. They just aren’t plans for hustle and achievement. They are plans to be with me. To guide my hands where He directs. Doing what He’s doing. Right here. Today.

This writing is where He has me today (and the foreseeable future). I don’t have a schedule or content plan. I am simply here to explore the depths of the simple things God has put before me and share them with my friends. 

He asked me to, so I will.

I pray you find encouragement and a stirring in your soul as you read. I’ll post more soon.


Caleb Agee

I am a father to 3 powerful littles and married to my best friend. My wife says I'm proficient in quoting The Office, a jack of all trades and I am convinced that popcorn with apple juice is the best remedy for a hard day. No judgment! I spend my days brainstorming and perfecting good communication with a team of passionate creatives. And I believe that being in relationship with the Father should be, and is, simple. I'll spend my whole life on Him and never regret a single moment. Won’t you join me?

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