And the second is…

And the second is…

Love–yes love–(all of) your neighbors.

Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was in all of the law. 

This was an interesting question because Rabbinic Tradition held that there were 613 different commands in the Torah. (Keep in mind that this is both a religious document and the legal equivalent of their constitution: hence its name “The Law”)

Jesus started by quoting Deuteronomy, which we walked through last time

Then–as is His nature–He gives more than was asked for.

He rounds off His answer with this pull from the middle of the Levitical Law and declares it the second.

“The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
– Mark‬ ‭12:31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

First, He hinges the love of our neighbors on our love of self. 

That means we have to actually love ourselves before we can really love those around us.

Think about your value. You were made in the image of God, your lungs are filled with His breath, because He loved you He sent His son. 

You have a purpose. To walk as a son or daughter of the living God. 

But you haven’t arrived. We are all going and growing.

Now apply that same value to your kids, your coworker, the guy driving behind you, or God forbid, the politician on the news. That love makes you vulnerable when you give it to someone else. It’s a Father’s love.

You see them for who they were made to be–not just who they are today.

This kind of love is dangerous for the giver–something Jesus will show in the ultimate way just a few weeks after He spoke these words.

But this love is also disarming.

I love the Scribe’s response–the man who was trying to trick Jesus:

“And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 

And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions.”
– Mark‬ ‭12:32-34‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Jesus was responding with wise words, but just as powerful were His actions and His delivery. He was doing what he was saying. These are some of the men who will plot to have Him murdered, He forgave them, and He died for them. 

He loved them in a dangerous way.

He loved all of His neighbors. The disciples, His friends, and yes, the scribes who were constantly at odds with Him. 

Here are some questions I’m asking myself:

Who do I love? 
All my neighbors, or just those I agree with?

What is the measure of my love? 
Is it protected or is it dangerous and vulnerable?

How’s my delivery?
Do I respond with every fruit of the Spirit, or am I leaving a few out in the name of “passion”?

If we get this–really get this–we’d change the world. 

May we be “not far from the kingdom of God!”

BONUS: Jesus is brilliant!

Have you ever heard someone singing a song you know really well? What happens if they stop one line before the last chorus?

You’ll hum the rest in your head, right?

This is just a little interesting thing I noticed. Check out the original verse in Leviticus:

You shall not seek vengeance, and you shall not harbor a grudge against your fellow citizens; and you shall love your neighbor like yourself;  I am Yahweh.

Think about this, every Hebrew boy started memorizing the Torah at a young age, but only the best of the best became Scribes. They spent their days reciting Leviticus over and over.

Check out this little subconscious clue to His identity that Jesus dropped.

He quotes, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” What do you think the Scribes heard in their head? What’s the next line of the song?

That’s right: “I am Yahweh”


Caleb Agee

I am a father to 3 powerful littles and married to my best friend. My wife says I'm proficient in quoting The Office, a jack of all trades and I am convinced that popcorn with apple juice is the best remedy for a hard day. No judgment! I spend my days brainstorming and perfecting good communication with a team of passionate creatives. And I believe that being in relationship with the Father should be, and is, simple. I'll spend my whole life on Him and never regret a single moment. Won’t you join me?

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